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Eames LCW (Lounge Chair Wood)
The Eames Lounge Chair Wood a.k.a Eames molded plywood chairs have a romantic history. The idea behind the design of the chair is born from the imagination and experience of the husband and wife team Charles and Ray Eames. All originated from the early 1940s when Charles Eames worked as a set painter at MGM studio. In their spare time they were developing wood-molding techniques. Ray, who had formal training as painter and sculptor conduct experiments in their apartment. The technique they developed then take them to new opportunities, when Charles resigned from MGM to focus on serving the U.S.
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Air Force demand for plywood splints, glider shells, and stretchers. Their Splints designed with compound curves to mimic the shape of human leg. Later, experience in shaping plywood into compound curves gives both the inspiration and capability to develop Lounge Chair Wood.
Following Charles and Ray Eames relationship with Herman Miller furniture company, the Eames LCW was produced from 1946 until 1947 by Evans Molded Plywood of Venice Beach, California for the Herman Miller. Herman Miller then moved the production of the chair to Michigan from 1947 until present. For Europe market, Vitra became the only producer of Eames furniture and, with Herman Miller, the only two companies producing chairs licensed by the Eames estate as represented by the Eames Office.
Gorgeous Rosewood Eames chair
Regretfully, we do not have a before picture of this Herman Miller Eames chair that we just finished restoring. If you can imagine, for a moment, a worn & torn chair & ottoman with dry, sun-faded wood panels – that would be the before.
Our client opted to use a heavy tweed fabric for the seat, back, arms and ottoman – and it is supremely comfortable.
But wait. There is more. This babe has a great backside…behold:
Those might just be the most beautiful Rosewood panels ever in the history of Eames chairs. So rich. So intense. So gorgeous. The Herman Miller Eames chairs & ottomans are no longer made with Brazilian rosewood veneer panels due to an embargo since 1992. It is a highly endangered wood, so if you have a rosewood Eames chair, hang on to it and let us bring it back to its original splendor!
Wishlist: The Eames Eiffel Chair
I am in love.
The Eames Eiffel chair is a classic design by American husband and wife design duo Charles and Ray Eames, known for their major contributions to contemporary architecture and furniture. They worked in several fields of design including industrial and graphic design. They pioneered innovative technologies during the 1950s, revolutionising 20th Century furniture design. Such designs were the fibreglass, plastic resin and wire mesh chairs designed for the US furniture manufacturer Herman Miller. Highly influential in the world of design and imitated time and time again, the Eames Eiffel chair skillfully combines modern art with affordable yet durable materials to create perfectly balanced, functional furniture.
The Chicer Antiquer
The Eames Eiffel chair was a landmark design in its time, the first industrially manufactured plastic chairs. What made them an admired design was the contemporary, simple structure that would cradle the body. The designers were enthusiastic to work with new materials at the time, focusing on new plastics because this material was versatile and could be moulded into shapes that would conform to the shape of the body. The design is as popular today as it was back then, though manufacturers nowadays embrace eco-friendly materials whilst maintaining the authentic design. Varying base types, shells and colour combinations are now available, making the chair trendy all over again.